The President of the UN General Assembly is convening this one-day, high-level meeting for Member States, civil society, the private sector and academic institutions, to highlight the global public health threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), and to strengthen political commitment to addressing the issue. The meeting will emphasize the role and the responsibilities of governments and intergovernmental organizations, particularly the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) in undertaking a “One Health” approach in the areas of human and veterinary medicine, agriculture, finance and consumer action. The meeting is being convened in accordance with UNGA resolutions 70/183 of 17 December 2015 and 70/297 of 25 July 2016. The meeting will include an opening and a closing segment (in the Trusteeship Council Chamber), a plenary segment for general discussions (in the Trusteeship Council Chamber) and two interactive hour-long thematic panels (in the ECOSOC Chamber).


New York City, United States of America



