19-23 February 2018 Khartoum, Al Khartum, Sudan
FAO Regional Conference for Africa (ARC)

The regional conferences of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) are held in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Near East and North Africa, and are convened on a biennial basis to discuss priority issues for agriculture and rural development.

The 30th session of the Regional Conference for Africa (ARC) will focus on the following topics: situation and trends in food security; trends in multiple burdens of malnutrition in Africa; key drivers of food insecurity and malnutrition; population growth, urbanization and income growth – rising and changing food demand; raising agricultural productivity for sustainable growth; and private sector opportunities and challenges. Climate change and youth, among other topics, will also be discussed.

dates: 19-23 February 2018
location: Khartoum, Al Khartum, Sudan
www: http://www.fao.org/about/meetings/regional-conferences/en/

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