This Expert Group Meeting (EGM) will address ‘integrated approaches to implementing Sustainable Development Goal 3’ (good health and well being). It is being organized by the World Health Organization (WHO), the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UNAIDS, the UN Foundation and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA). The meeting will provide a platform for experts from a range of sectors to come together and discuss challenges, opportunities and emerging issues that could have an impact on SDG 3 implementation. The outcome of the meeting will serve as a substantive input to the HLPF session on SDG 3 and to other parts of the Forum’s deliberations. The indivisible nature of the SDGs will be a fundamental assumption of the discussions. Key questions to address include: What are the bottlenecks to implementing SDG 3? 
What are key emerging issues with relevance to implementing SDG 3? 
How can links between SDG 3 and other SDGs help to advance implementation of SDG 3 
and the Agenda in general? 
What lessons and best practices exist from MDG implementation which could be applied for SDG3 and the Agenda as a whole?


New York City, United States of America



