13-14 November 2014 Rome, Lazio, Italy
Emerging Activities to Combat Climate Change: Use of FAO Data and IPCC GHG Inventory Guidelines for Agriculture and Land Use

FAO, IPCC and IFAD are jointly organizing this expert meeting, which will take place in Rome, Italy, at FAO headquarters, on 13-14 November 2014. Participants will gather as a follow-up to a 2009 joint FAO-IPCC-IFAD event. The 2014 expert meeting is meant to serve both as a reflection of progress made since 2009 and as an opportunity to build on lessons learned and to address emerging needs in the area of improved forest and rural statistics, for use not only in national GHG inventory and mitigation, but also for rural development in general. In this regard, experts will discuss the new data and tools developed by FAO, such as FAOSTAT Emissions Database and new guidelines on mitigation. The event will address the urgent need to conduct analyses, identify actions and implement activities for both mitigation and adaptation responses to climate change.  

dates: 13-14 November 2014  
location: Rome, Lazio, Italy  
www: http://www.fao.org/climatechange/micca/ghg/en/

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