30-31 August 2017 Santiago, Region Metropolitana, Chile
ECLAC Regional Consultation for Global Compact on Migration

In coordination with partners in the region, the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) will hold a two-day regional consultation, including experts from each sub-region. The outcome documents and/or summary reports of all the regional consultations held in preparation for the global compact on migration will be transmitted as inputs to the intergovernmental negotiations on the compact. Regional analysis and perspectives will also be made available and feed into the global preparatory meetings as they evolve.

dates: 30-31 August 2017
location: Santiago, Region Metropolitana, Chile
contact: ECLAC or RCNYO
www: https://www.cepal.org/es/eventos/reunion-regional-latinoamericana-caribena-expertos-migracion-internacional-preparatoria

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