The Vienna Programme of Action addresses the needs of landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) and covers the decade 2014-2024. The comprehensive high-level midterm review will culminate in a meeting from 5-6 December 2019.

Co-facilitators Doma Tshering, Permanent Representative of Bhutan, and Jan Kickert, Permanent Representative of Austria, led negotiations on the political declaration to be adopted at the high-level review meeting, which was agreed informally on 1 August 2019.

The high-level midterm review is referred to in UNGA resolution 72/232 on the follow-up to the second UN Conference on LLDCs. Per the resolution, the UNGA decides to convene a comprehensive high-level midterm review no later than December 2019, as called for in paragraph 78 of the VPoA. It also calls on the review to enable the sharing of best practices and lessons learned, and identify obstacles and constraints encountered, actions and initiatives needed to overcome them, and new challenges and emerging issues.

Preparations for the review, coordinated by OHRLLS, include:

  • national reviews from March to December 2018,
  • regional review meetings in February, March and July 2019, and
  • pre-conference thematic events from May 2018 through late 2019.


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Global Partnerships

