14-15 February 2019 New Delhi, Delhi, India
Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition Research Conference on Carbon Pricing

The Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC), an initiative that brings together leaders from government, business, and civil society to drive carbon pricing action around the world, will convene this international research conference on carbon pricing.

The event aims to drive innovative research and analysis from academics and practitioners on the effective design and implementation of carbon pricing policies. Relevant research themes include: learning from past and current experience; political economy of carbon pricing; carbon pricing and development; and the role of carbon pricing in decarbonization. The conference is expected to take place in late January 2019.

dates: 14-15 February 2019
location: New Delhi, Delhi, India
www: https://www.carbonpricingleadership.org/news/2018/2/28/worlds-first-international-research-conference-on-carbon-pricing-set-for-january-2019

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