The Asian Ministerial Conference on DRR 2018 (AMCDRR 2018) will take place on the theme, ‘Preventing Disaster Risk: Protecting Sustainable Development’. AMCDRR 2018 will be the second ministerial conference to take place since the adoption of the Sendai Framework in 2015.
The conference will review progress in implementing the Sendai Framework, and seek to strengthen coherent implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The meeting is expected to produce the ‘Ulaanbaatar Declaration,’ a 2018-2020 Action Plan for the Asia region, and voluntary commitments.
Convened by the UN Office for DRR (UNISDR) and the Government of Mongolia, the Conference will reflect on three years into the implementation of the Sendai Framework, review progress made against the commitments at the AMCDRR 2016, reaffirm political commitment on DRR, and strengthen coherent implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
3–6 July 2018
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia